They baked me a cake tonight for my birthday, which happens to be tomorrow.

Here are the candles from the top.

They made me laugh!
Then I decided I probably needed to add a few years.
They also gave me this.....

I'm sure you can't read it, but this is what is says.....
Happy Birthday Mom!
May every second, minute, hour, day and year of your life
be filled with the kind of comfort, security, and happiness
you give unfaillingly to me.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Without you, there would be a gaping hole in my life,
an emptiness that only your love can fill.
Thank you for all that you do, for
the extraordinary person you are.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Yes, I cried.
I love them more than any of you could ever imagine.
I am so blessed to be their Mom.
So, Happy Birthday to me tomorrow!
It has been an amazing 41 years!
Love you MUCH!