Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Soul Is Weary.....

No new updates on Bronson.

I have no brilliant or eloquent words.

That's nothing new, though.

To be honest, I'm pretty much at a loss for words.

My heart aches.

It aches for a Mommy and a Daddy who
are watching their child fight for his life.

It's a hell no one should have to endure.

My heart aches for Grandparents who are
helplessly watching their own children
endure the pain and reality of this hell.

To tell you the truth, it makes me sick to my stomach.

Like, literally, sick to my stomach.

I hate it bad.

My friends are hurting.

I feel helpless.

I do know, without a doubt, God has a plan in all of this.

Bronson being critically ill doesn't change that.

Let me say that again....

Bronson being critically ill doesn't
change the fact that we know, without
a doubt, God had a plan in ALL of this.

He formed Bronson, inside and out.

With His Hands, Bronson was fearfully and wonderfully made.

I don't know what the plan is.

I don't know what tomorrow holds.

I don't know what the next hour
or even the next minute holds.

However, I do know WHO holds every
minute and every hour of every day.

That will never change.


Let us pray together for this sweet baby and his family.


My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
Psalms 119:28

Love you MUCH!


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