Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Journey Begins.....

The journey begins.

The journey to Honduras that is, most specifically to San Bartolo, Lempira.

We arrived in Honduras about 12:30PM. Our flight was a little late due to some turbulence. For the record, not a fan of turbulence, just sayin.

What I am a fan of is looking at God's creation from an altitude of 38000 feet.

I sat by the window looking out the entire time and basically looked like a kid at Christmas. Though I have flown before, there is always something about it that takes my breath away every time.

I am in awe that all those gorgeous, billowy, white clouds were just spoken into existence by The Creator who loves and cares for ME, whose heart aches when mine aches and who is angry when I am treated unkind.

Yes, my dear Friends this journey has begun.

We are spending the night in the city and will be heading to the village at 7 in the morning.

The bus ride is estimated to be 5 hours long. It is 90 degrees here and the only bus air conditioning is from the windows being rolled down.

On a very positive note, the Hotel has water so we were able to get a shower tonight as well as in the morning. Not so sure about the village yet though. Showers are good! ;)

I am operating off 1 hour sleep last night and I am TOTALLY exhausted. I will update you all as I have service and can.

Love you MUCH!


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